We promote entrepreneurship in glass recycling through the establishment of workshop/social stores of products made of glass bottles recycling.

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Only in Mexico more than 3 million tons of glass are produced annually but just 12% is recycled. Another important problem is that 4 out of 10 spirit beverages are being pirated because there is an illegal market of filling certain brands of bottles. Now, let´s imagine that any bottle can be turned into a new useful item or it can be a new economic alternative for vulnerable groups. Cerrando el ciclo was born in 2013 as a non-profit organization with the aim of offering vulnerable women a self-employment alternative with the recycling of glass bottles. In 2019, in order to strengthen our economic sustainability, we also founded Cerrando el ciclo Mexico, a company that also facilitates machinery and tools for entrepreneurship in recycling this resource. Nowadays we:

  • Empower a community of women, through the training on skills, self-esteem and creative confidence so that they can have an economic alternative in recycling glass bottles.
  • Develop processes, machinery and tools to promote entrepreneurship.
  • Innovate in processes and creative products made from the transformation of glass bottles into jewelry, decorative products, tabletops, and much more. This year we began to replicate our business model in other cities through the implementation of our new social franchise model.

As we reach a circular economy, we promote recycling as a social transformer.

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