This project is a new style of tourism designed which seeks to form a community based on knowledge and helpful.
Long description
After hurricane Iota, Providencia island suffered significant damage to its infrastructure and economy, which led to a decadence in the island tourism and affected the quality of life of the community. As a result, opportunity appear to implement Coraiza, a new tourism iniciative focused on the repair of the island. This project seeks to adopt a traveler willing to contribute and help with the sustainable reconstruction, and pleased to learn, share, and recognize the raizal culture and everything it has to offer. The purpose is to create an unique and committed community, generating a knowledge and collaborative network to promote dynamics and practices of sustainability based on the four pillars of the sustainable tourism (care of the land, care of the people, preserving biodiversity and sustainable life) targeting some of sustainable development goals like decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, life below water and life on land. This project tries to strengthen the capacities and outreach of the tourism industry through the campus of knowledge, rescuing and preserving the culture and wisdom of the community to resignify the island.
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