Long description

The solution aims to throw light on the future of excessive consumption. It showcases a visual representation of the extent of materialistic consumption in people’s lives over time, from when they’re younger to the way into their future. The project reimagines and defines cities and people based on the items they own and use. This comparison gives a chance for the viewer to rethink their actions-past, present, and future. We wanted to build a narrative around defining living beings with respect to the materials they use and own. The project is a manifestation of the theme take less in an indirect and positive manner. The experience of the solution starts off playing on emotions and realization and ends with a call to action and a sense of ‘owning up to one’s future. Especially in the Indian context, the themes of reusing and repairing are ingrained in people’s lives and attitudes. We wanted to remind people of these values and help bring take them forward for present and future being alike. It aims to make these themes relevant for millennials and the future generations to come. The objects are packed in physical room-like spaces and are characterized based on their impact. The user has the opportunity to click on these objects and further interact with them to see the timeline of the particular object. This includes its past, present, and future in terms of where it could end up. There are multiple timelines that can be present for the same single

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