An Augmented Reality Game Based on Social Media Created To Garner up Environmental Awareness.

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I’ve been working in Game design for 3 years now and with Augmented Reality for the last year. Recently I’ve started developing educational games. I’ve created a demo for a game that prompts users to answer questions about environmental issues. Millennials and Gen Z have embraced using social media regularly, so instead of judging them for what they deem important, I’ve used Augmented reality technology to create games that integrate with Instagram and Facebook allowing users to post their answers and garner more attention to a topic that is often overlooked. The Filter randomises a set amount of questions and then prompts the user to answer to the best of their abilities. If they don’t feel happy with their answer they can simply not post it to their accounts stories, or try again.

It is a game that doesn’t keep score so the goal is to participate to the best of their ability. It’s a forgiving game design opposed to a punishing one. I have a working demo and play testing what questions best fit the format before publishing it online. Once published it can be shared via weblink or can searched for in the instagram filter search bar. (Attached are an example of the data set’s the game collects using instagram and facebook’s built in analytics). The game can be added on a QR code then put onto learning materials. Attached is an example of how that could be implemented.

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