Identify the essential, Eliminate the rest.
Long description
AYNI believes in “Identify the essential, Eliminate the rest”. Ayni will help people manage their wardrobe virtually, it’s a service based app that makes the user conscious about his choices while shopping, empowering them to pursue minimalism. Ayni makes the user aware about the products they are consuming heedlessly. Additionally, the app monitors the clothes that are worn occasionally and which ones are rarely worn, nudging them to let go of the ones never worn. The app helps them to locate the nearby NGOs, making it easier for the user to deliver their extras.
AYNI focuses on educating the customers about conscious consumption, notifying them with questions like “Wait.. Think Ruchi(user)… Do you really need this item? If Yes then we will take you to another world called ‘inside out’ where you will know all the details about the product like where and how it was made, it’s life cycle etc…” After giving their extra belongings, the user will receive a warm thank you message encouraging them to stick to the idea of eliminating the unused. Reminding them, no effort is too small to make a difference.
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