We process bananas termed wasted into Fruit Cakes, Fruit Juice, from the fruits and into Paper and Briquettes the stem and peelings.
Long description
Banana production surveyed in Cameroon shows that over 600% of the 278,450 tons produced annually are lost. They are either physically deformed during transportation or rot due to inadequate transportation or storage facilities. We are located in Penja (important banana production zone in the Littoral region) closer to Njombe where Plantation du Haut Plateau is located (Largest single producer of banana in Africa) with a production of 124,875 tons. Also, the Cameroon State has placed an embargo on importation of some beverages but has failed to control this partly because of the expensiveness of the locally made beverages suggested (since the fruits are expensive and seasonal). Our solution is nutritious banana fruit juice, fruit cake and ice cream that is low in cholesterol and natural, hence adapted to the populations needs. We maximize banana fruits for fruit juice while the unused banana fruits are processed into banana cakes. We are proud to say that we are the very first to have these products on the Cameroon market and very soon on the West and Central African market as well. Our fruit juice and cakes are affordable and will be more affordable at the shopping mall, store, and other operators will as it’s a novel product on their shelves that fit their market. Our products are a double edged if not a triple edged solution to the problem of loss of income by farmers, environmental pollution, health hazards but also we intend to use the waste generated out of the whole.
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