Recycling of used disposable baby diapers to produce eco-friendly carrier bags and seedling propagation sleeves.

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Begi Bora Solutions deals with recycling of disposable used baby diapers to produce eco-friendly carriers bags and seedling propagation sleeves to replace the bun of plastic bags in August 2017 since approximately 1.6 million diapers get disposed daily in Nairobi city. The diapers are collected from dumpsite and homesteads with the help of young mothers from slums and middle urban areas then transported to cleaning centers where they are thoroughly cleaned using washing machines with a mixture of hot water, chlorine and detergent with the help of centrifugal force concept to remove all germs and stains on the diapers and also sodium polyacrylate found in the diapers which is then used as moisture holder in arid and semi arid areas for agriculture, the plastic lining is recycled to other product or generate art as well leading to no waste from disposable used baby diapers. The diapers are then rinsed with clean water then sun dried. The nonwoven fabric material pieces are combined together then sewed to form different size and designs of eco-friendly carrier bags and seedling propagation sleeves which are eventually taken to customers at an affordable price. The target market include the general public who earn less than $1.50 per day and require a carrier bag for shopping on daily basis, fast moving consumer goods businesses, and seedling production firms for the seedling propagation sleeves. Marketing strategy for the project is taking the products to grassroot level for customers satisfaction and win their desire, hence creating demand.

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