Less plastic in our lives means healthier people, and no more plastic in our bodies and in our planet.
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In Ser Verde (Being Green) we work in order to reduce the consumption of plastics and avoid the crisis of plastic pollution in our world. We have three guidelines: 1) a strategy of selling a wide line of durable and refill products, mainly based on local production, for all the stages of our lifes, such as food and drink compostable containers made of bambú, corn and coffee pieces; biodegradable cleaners for home and office against COVID; office and home supplies, such as colors and pens based on used newspapers; seeds for kids; books and agendas made of sargazo; Tshirts and underware made of PET and designed by rural women and a refill brand for bath and body with natural and vegan products: shampoo, cream, after shave, toothtpaste, and more;
2) education about environment &Climate change
3) Project of creating new products recycling and repurposing plastic in special machines. This project is mainly done by women with experienc in climate change , like biologists, nutriologists, economists, historians, designers and lawyers.
Strategy 1 is working in a online basis and local markets; We want to improve strategy 2; we have the design and financial Project of strategy 3 and we would like to develop the recycling process in order to repurposing plastics in durable products with proper machines. Look our videos and media!! Also we are working with women that had been in jail to help them and their families to go back home in a productive andC
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