A replicable, scalable waste education project that changes waste behaviours within schools, reduces waste and saves money.

Long description

The Bellville Zero Waste Schools project is a replicable, scalable waste education project that changes waste behaviours within schools, enabling them to save money and reduce their waste footprint, towards a zero-waste environment.

The Bellville Zero Waste Schools project takes a systems-based approach to providing schools with a sustainable, cost-effective solution to reducing costs, reducing waste and recycling more, starting with education to create context for why changing behaviour is so important. The project equips schools with a comprehensive toolkit to influence the curriculum, and also replaces existing waste infrastructure with recycling-focused infrastructure, such as bins, EcoBrick stations and composting and recycling depots. It is a simple solution designed to entrench a new zero-waste mindset and changed behaviours into the school’s culture.

Education is the key to changing behaviours. By instilling a greater understanding about the impacts of waste learners and educators have a broader perspective on their individual responsibility for the amount of waste they generate. This empowers individuals to make different choices about the materials they use in their everyday lives and take a more responsible approach to waste disposal. Schools have a wide circle of influence, and so this project has the potential to drive change deep into the heart of the communities in which they operate.

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