Campaign To Change Attitudes Towards Water Wastage In Daily Life.
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Water is a vital resource for the survival of humankind. It is getting more difficult to ensure stable freshwater supply in many water-stressed countries around the world, as industrialization and a growing middle class increase overall consumption. The problem therefore requires a design thinking approach. Observation and insights led to a key finding – large quantities of water are wasted by households because they have no ‘awareness’ of it during their everyday acts of hygiene, washing, cleaning and cooking. They also have no means of quantifying this wastage. The most significant insight is that the reason people are oblivious to wastage of water is because water is ‘colourless’. Unlike blood which is visible and causes panic and a flurry of activity to stem bleeding, water spillage induces a sense of tranquility & freshness. Therefore, the idea is to create a shift in attitude of consumers and build awareness regarding the vast quantities wasted in daily activities. The concept is feasible to administer. BLEED WATER is an executable campaign idea, where for one day of the month/year, the municipality adds a red edible food colour to water supply so that every household receives running red water in their taps. When a consumer is able to ‘see’ water, they will effectively ‘see’ the problem, monitor the supply to utilize only as much as is required by them for their use. This can shift attitudes and spur change.
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