Pockets are used as an oppression to women. So this project aims to get back the right to carry our's things while being sustainable and fashionable.

Long description

Some people like to think the human being evolved a lot, especially in the last century. That might be true for some things, but the opression that women still suffer is a big problem. And one of these problems they have to deal with is the issue with pockets, precisely with jean’s pockets.
Jeans are already expensive by themselfs, and because woman’s jeans don’t have pockets they have to buy purses or hand bags, which don’t just add more expenses but also waste more fabric. The problem we are trying to solve here is how woman can use those kind of pants and other kinds of clothing without having to spend a lot of money with it and being sustanable for the enviroment.
Looking back to the 18th century I think I found a solution. Outside pockets were popular until the late 19th century and are the key to solve this problem.Giving them a contemporary touch they can be attached to a belt and used to secure belongings with a zipper.
Additionally, accourding to Reverse Resources ,47% of all fibre entering the fashion value chain becomes waste. With this much waste we would create those outside pockets in partnership with the fashion industry. They use very little and any kind od fabric. Also because there is almost unexpensive this business can focus on dignify human labor, since they can mostly be hand stitched.

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