Espaço da Oficina Circular e placas recicladas produzidas.

The Circular Workshop is a space made for development and production of circular products in partnership with a cooperative of waste pickers.

Long description

The Circular Workshop Project was designed to enable products based on a Circular logic. Mundo Livres has experience in technologies for reinserting plastic and wood waste into the production chain, beside this, the proposed model intends to implement different recycling techniques based on the reality of each recycling cooperative.

The Cooperatives are an important link in the life cycle of recycled materials in Brazil, as they are responsible for sorting and separating recycled materials destined for the industry. On the other hand, waste pickers are the weakest actors in the recycling chain, where the work performed has the lowest added value, employing people in a situation of social vulnerability. These characteristics highlights the importance of projects and businesses that dialogue with this category, valuing their work and generating new opportunities.

The Circular Workshop aggregates the processing of materials within the waste pickers cooperatives, creating greater possibilities of work and acting in more valued areas. This process takes place through a physical space, capable of working with different materials and from different production processes, as well as the restoration of products destined for the cooperative. The first Circular Workshop is already being implemented within COOPAMA, a traditional cooperative of recycled material collectors in Rio de Janeiro, located near Jacarezinho community, focused on recycling plastic and wood, in addition to researching other materials such as metals, glass, organic waste, among others.

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