Communitary Composting

Socio-environmental impact through community organic waste composting.

Long description

Compostagem Terra Orgânica is an ONG focused on social environmental positive impact through a Community and Decentralized model of Organic Waste Management, known in Brazil as community composting, which is recognised as social technologybecause of its characteristics, such as social impact, low cost, easy applicability and replicability.   The composting process has great potential in mitigating the negative impact of garbage being buried and thrown away in landfills (Brazil has poor levels of recycling – less than 10%). Community composting, in its turn, is decentralized and done by the hands of the community, has great power to transform the relationship between people and nature, starting by the way we see organic waste.   Community Composting provides:

  • the closing of the organic waste cycle, we transform waste into organic compost, a raw material for producing agroecological food, reflorestation actions
  • urban agriculture
  • environmental education
  • community activities
  • possibilities of volunteering
  • reduction of 50% of the weight of waste buried and thrown in landfills
  • reduction of spending with transport of waste to its final destination.

We want to see communities around the world composting their own organic waste, because we have experienced the revolution that this kind of waste management can give us.   To achieve this, we are creating a big database to connect people who want to give a better destination to their organic waste, to people who want to compost and companies that want to fund socio environmental impact through community composting.

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