Linha de produtos que através do design circular mantém em uso materiais plásticos reciclados pelo máximo de tempo possível.

Long description

The main material and the design of the line are based on a simple, but important, traditional and sustainable reference of ‘upcycling’ incorporated in Brazilian culture, the Corrupio, a toy made by children with bottle caps and cords.   Applying circular design strategies: easy assembly and disassembly of product components, design for use-recovery, upcycling and avoiding downcycling, design for updating and flexibility, design with single material, design for durability, traceability and returnability, so that they easily repaired, updated or returned.   The main material used is low density polyethylene reused in a closed cycle, (single-use bags and packaging especially problematic for biodiversity in the oceans). The materials are recovered by cooperatives and small recyclers, and transformed into laminates for the development of the material, developed with low use of energy and water.   In each new product, an average of 500 grams to 3 kilos of material is used, approximately 150 to 500 bags and plastic packaging reinserted in each product of the line (varying in its model and size), encouraging the awareness of consumers and other designers. , inspiring and supporting the end consumer through blockchain technology, a digital system that tells the stories of origin and transformation carried out by partners until the end customer.   TRIPLE gain with the Corrupio Line: producing high value products and materials that are kept in use for a longer time; use less natural resources and consume more consciously; encourage recovery.

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