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In recent years, the impact of COVID-19 has led to a surge in demand for regulated disposable containers. If it is difficult to reduce the consumption of disposable containers to zero, we would like to utilize sustainable resources and avoid the stress of disposal. Therefore, we have developed a paper “Easy-disposal Bento Box” that can be thrown away compactly.

Product Features

“Easy-disposal Bento Box” is a disposable paper container that can be folded and stored compactly. After eating the contents, the body can be folded and slid into a case formed by the lid, making a small and compact package for disposal.

Conventional bento containers tend to be bulky, taking up unnecessary space in the trash-can, and tend to be produced from multiple materials, making them difficult to separate for recycling and disposal. To mitigate these concerns, we conceived a container that has a simple form and uses storage capability to reduce the volume of trash. The aims for the design included ensuring that each of the actions required to use the container—from opening the box to disposal—could be performed smoothly and efficiently, bringing a quiet satisfaction to the meal.

We also provide research and infographics on lunch boxes and waste on our website. We will establish new standards for eating experience in society after COVID-19 using products and information.

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