Triciclo Elétrico de Coleta Seletiva

Selective Collection without Recyclable Material Collectors is trash.

Long description

Ecolmeia, due to its proximity to Recyclable Material Collectors in Grande ABC and São Paulo (SP), totaling 90 peoples in this project, showed a lack of practical actions for the management of urban solid waste, which motivated the search for solutions for the improvement of the recycling cycle, also promoting the life quality of these professionals, with recognition of the activity and generation of income for the Recyclable Material Collectors, as well as the increase in the amount of waste inserted in the production chain.
The project promotes the social inclusion of Recyclable Material Collectors in society, as skilled entrepreneurs and with competitive economic power to enter the market.
ECO Recicla offers the Electric Tricycle for Selective Collection as a work tool for Recyclable Material Collectors, non-polluting and without human traction in the urban collection activity.
In partnership, we developed 2 pilots with the participation of Waste Pickers from SP, regarding performance, capacity and speed, and they are constantly being improved.
The Electric Tricycle promotes better comfort for Waste collectors, who report greater performance in the amount of material collected, greater safety (including PPE) and, consequently, a greater amount of material destined for Recycling Cooperatives, generating income.
The project works with environmental media, strengthening Environmental Education and promoting partners / supporters, associated with the cause.

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