There are fully ecological notebooks that are made from the one-sided waste paper, recycled plastic & recycled (craft) paper.

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Imagine: you take a notebook, write on the first sheet, turn it over, and … what’s then? Most people continue to write on the next page but not on the other side of the first one. That’s how the idea of EcoNote has arisen! They are fully ecological notebooks: one-sided waste paper is used inside (there are unnecessary printouts that are thrown away or, at best, given for recycling — I found a better use for them); springs are made from the recycled plastic; cover is made from recycled paper; and image doesn’t print — it is cut or extruded. In addition, such notebook can be recycled after it finishes, thereby extending the life of the paper. Now you’ll have a choice: to get a classic notebook thinking only about yourself, or get EcoNote taking care of nature, too.

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