New products for civil construction through the Circular Economy of MDF, MDP and PVC waste.

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Industrial processes generate a huge amount of waste, most of which without a specific use end up in industrial landfills. It is therefore necessary to establish procedures or methods of reusing these wastes in order to minimize this environmental impact.

In this context, the industries of the furniture sector are included, which use various types of materials for the production of their products, among them, metal materials, polymers, textile materials, leftovers and sawdust of MDF, leather and cellulose derivatives are cited.

Due to the characteristic of its molded process in the linear production model, they generate a considerable amount of waste after its use without any practical application, which has caused environmental problems, including with regard to places and forms not suitable for its storage and disposal.

Aware of the importance of using alternative technologies that reduce the costs of final disposal, and to evaluate the eco-sustainable issues of citizenship and the preservation of the environment, the EcoW project seeks the development of new products for Innovative Building Systems, through the reuse of waste from the furniture and polymer industries based on PVC.

The actions of this project seek to evaluate the sustainable alternatives of transforming waste, which are traditionally send to disposal, into raw material for construction products, contributing to the improvement of the quality of the environment and sustainable development.

The products derived from this processing are test physically and mechanically, whose properties are evaluate according to the standards of performance of the civil construction.

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