A fun card game in both digital and physical format promoting circular thinking in youth through active intergenerational learning.
Long description
“(F)act Against Waste” is a card game serving as an educational tool targeted at children between the age of 6 and 12. By focusing on the natural cycles in Nature, the game seeks to promote upcycling, reusing and repurposing and encourage children to practice the concepts of a circular economy in a fun and simple way.
Based on the concept: “Nature is circular, so why aren’t we?” each card has two sides with two distinct purposes:
- Supply an example of how Nature is circular
- Suggest an activity children can do with their caregivers & educator that reflects that example.
Inspired by that idea, the design of the cards will seek to strengthen our intrinsic relationship with Nature and inspire mindful consumption. Providing Nature-based solutions to human issues is intuitive & reasonable.
The project will cover fashion, food, and organic & non-organic materials. It will be available in digital and paper format in English, German, and later Arabic.
We wish to foster a wish amongst children to contribute to a desirable future. The emerging climate movements of recent years have shown us that young people have an unaffected view of the world and believe in their power to change political & public discourse. By reaching the next generation early, children can inspire parents and prioritise climate action in the future.
Beyond merely raising awareness, the project will also give children and their caregivers tangible and practical examples of how to include circularity & mindful consumption into their own lives.
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