Faro is an authentic motivational system that questions the automatisms of mankind related to the rejection of material.
Long description
Project Faro is based on the analysis of the changes that have occurred over time in the relationship between man and material. Its main goal is to motivate and inspire the public to sort and reduce waste in their cities and educate the young generation in the field of a circular economy. For this purpose, a widespread technological principle in symbiosis with a design Object is presented. The waste bin is a highly approached design object in the public area which allows sharing a short but strong message by the use of a Quick Response code. By scanning the QR code, an app launches on your phone giving you few fast questions about waste – if your answers are correct you get a reward (discounts for various cultural events, tickets for public urban transport, or your favourite locally made products from the grocery store and many more, depending on what a city wants and can offer you to keep you learning about waste. The app would promote certified, sustainable, and locally made products only. This way, manufacturers will have to make some effort towards sustainable solutions to appear on the list. The user will not only learn and profit from the use of the app but also influence the relationship between the manufacturer and the supplier. The design of the bin resembles a road cone in its shape, expressive colours (based on the collected material), and function of a visible obstacle attracting attention pointing to the main problem of mankind.
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