New app which helps to change your excess food into valuable gift for your family, friends and neighbours.

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What if we change food waste at home into food share in the neighbourhood?

Almost 54% of Poles admit to wasting food, mostly  leftovers and ready-to-eat meals (70%) as well as food products (37%). Sometimes we just cook too much, sometimes we experiment in the kitchen, buy experimental products, use a little bit of them and we don’t know what to do with the rest of it, sometimes we are forced  to buy a bigger portion because the smaller one is not available. Whatever the reason is, we all have meals or products at home from time to time that are still delicious and safe to eat, but we don’t need them anymore. What if we could easily share these meals and products with others instead of tossing it in the garbage? Foodby is an application for neighbors and friends. It connects those who have extra food and want to share it with those who are interested in taking and eating it. All safe and free, because people know each other, so they can trust each other. Especially in terms of the quality. Meals and products which find a new home reduce the need for time, water and energy consumption necessary to prepare a new meal. Therefore, application acts as  food, time, water and energy saver. It also helps to build local bonds – it may allow to reach those who need food because of poverty by exchanging information in a local group.

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