we recycle plastic waste to create durable and affordable construction materials for low income people in Tanzania.

Long description

My passion for plastic recycling began in 2015. I was just 15 years old when I saw floods that swept away over 700 weak mud houses in Dar es salaam Tanzania leaving people homeless. These floods also had hundreds of plastic wastes floating which were heading towards the ocean causing marine pollution. Here I discovered two problems, one being a lack of durable and affordable building materials for low-income Tanzanians and also plastic pollution since Tanzania produces approximately 350,000 tonnes of plastics every year and less than 5% get recycled. 


I came up with a solution to creating a machine that converts plastic wastes into durable and affordable construction materials. The first product I made was plastic bricks but later started making plastic lumber which is revolutionizing the construction and furniture making industry in my area. with a variety of uses from making school desks to indoor and outdoor furniture.


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