IED LAB MOB YVY - Search for new opportunities for discarded wood from light poles in the city of São Paulo

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Working with wood that has been part of the daily life of the city of São Paulo for the past 50 years and is now recycled, 40 designers developed and prototyped objects, furniture and presented their creations first hand at the showcase Residential furniture made of wood from discarded light poles.


Over the course of ten months, designers, wood workers, makers and architects working in the capital of São Paulo were challenged to reframe materials and create sustainable alternatives. The aim was to develop a collection of furniture with “post-consumption” materials, proposing a new model of collaborative business for the production and commercialization of this furniture, and to incorporate concepts of circular economy in the whole process.


There were three phases: validating the problem, the solution, and the business model. The laboratory participants discussed, in five masterclasses, the themes: wood, furniture and lifestyle; creative economy; entrepreneurship; marketing and distribution; and new collaborative networked businesses. The lab raised questions and reflections so that a new entrepreneurial mindset can be developed and aligned with our challenges today, with collaborative construction, circular economy and the network business model as assets – the new market paradigms.

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