Kapel Pack is a bilayer packaging made of cardboard and polyaluminum strategically bonded for easy separation in just three steps.

Long description

The advantages of multilayer packaging are well known, however, we have not seen the other side of the coin. Today, in Mexico, only 25% of what is produced per year is recycled, while countries like Russia recycle up to 80%. This is due to the lack of infrastructure in our country; since the method of separating materials for recycling is highly expensive and time-consuming.


Kapel Pack seeks to solve this problem by facilitating the division of the basic components such as cardboard and polyaluminum through 3 steps: peel off, extract, and separate through a minimal mechanical process, reducing the amount of water and energy currently used for said separation. Also, it is intended that this process can even be carried out from home and thus be able to classify these waste more easily, making each of these be processed directly for recycling. Our project rethinks the arrangement of the materials that are currently used, to preserve the properties and characteristics that multilayer packaging has towards packaged foods.

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