Waste management systems based on circular economy model through establishment of material recovery facilities.

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Increased population has led to increased urburnization which has in turn led to increased waste generation among the population, this while in the same breath there has not been an increase in the supply of efficient waste management systems & services to cater for our community’s waste needs. This has led to increased indiscriminate dumping of household waste generated more so in the urban & peri-urban areas where there are multistory residential buildings within our open spaces leading to pollution among other negative effects. The dumping is as a result of lack of/or inefficient waste collection systems & services. Eco-waste is a social enterprise involved in waste management services by offering collection services at affordable prices(sometimes free mostly sorted waste) even to the low income earning households. Lower prices than average market price is sustained by the business adopting the circular economy where the collected waste is sorted in various recyclable scraps(cartons,glass,plastic,metal, organic) streams which are then resold to recycling industries.

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