Waste reduction and sustainability in action through gamification

Long description

Moving Towards Zero is an initiative of action-based challenges that promote waste reduction and sustainable living among citizens and young generations through gamification. Go Zero Waste provides a platform that delivers customized challenges through an app in collaboration with local governments, schools and educational organizations with the aim of:

  • Empowering people to reduce their waste and live more sustainably with action-based local challenges.
  • Allowing local and educational institutions to implement waste prevention awareness and action campaigns based on their waste reduction policies and priorities.
  • Creating connections and collaboration between people, companies and organizations that commit and engage on building more sustainable Zero Waste cities and communities.
  • Linking action-based challenges to local incentives such as rewards, tax reductions or tickets for local cultural & sports events.

Local challenges include actions such as: plastic-free shopping, repairing clothes and small domestic appliances, composting food waste, picking up trash, recycling initiatives, promoting reusable services, using sustainable transport, building new habits, learning how to reduce food waste, engaging in community activities, extending the life of our belongings or learning tips to save water and energy. The platform is collaborative and not only includes the challenges but it links them to a local map where people can find out stores and services related to each challenge. As part of the campaign, local activities are organized across the year, including upcycling worksops or cleanup days.

Se explanatory video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABILL3IKDI4

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