A new life to the residue of the footwear industry and the used shoe.

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Due to the linear production system, most industrial processes generate a huge amount of waste, most of which without a specific use end up in industrial landfills.

Within this scenario, one can mention the footwear industry that, because they use various types of materials for the production of footwear, bags and accessories, discard a variety of raw materials from their production process. They are residues of rubber soles, leather, textile materials, synthetic laminates, among others in a considerable amount of waste after its use, which has caused environmental problems, including with regard to places and forms not suitable for its storage and disposal.

Associated with this, there is all the environmental impact of the disposal of footwear after its use, carried out, almost in its entirety incorrectly with household waste.

The proposal of the My shoe again project is to apply the concepts of Circular Economy so that all the waste generated both in the production of footwear and after its use, can be used as raw material for a new footwear.

The My shoe again project has in its DNA to present processing plants of these wastes in order to return to the footwear cluster a new raw material to maintain the sustainability of its cycle.

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