a superconscious collection made from charity remnants to raise sustainability-awareness with people who don't have the money or headspace.

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A fashion collection made from remnants from the ‘ClothingBank’ (‘Kledingbank’ in dutch, a food bank for clothing). Goal: Make 100%sustainable fashion, change the dull image that is still attached to ‘sustainable’, increase awareness of the ClothingBank, raise awareness of sustainability (especially with people who ‘don’t have the money’), bring people from different layers of the population together, more understanding for people who live in poverty. With logocomo I only use fabric remnants & second-hand-clothing. I want to do the same for ‘the Clothingbank’, but with their surpluses. It will be over the top yet wearable. Style=Logocomo=color/fun/crazy details/straight shapes/lines/genderfree. Proceeds go 100% to ‘the clothingbank’. There are few people that know about the ‘Clothingbank’. I want to change that by creating a collection from their remnants. In addition, I notice that through my work there I have met people that I would otherwise never meet, and it has broadened my perspective about people enormously. I want more people to make connections with groups in our society that they are not likely to come into contact with. The models for the collection’s shoot will be volunteers & clients and I want to conduct interviews with them. I hope readers will realize that wherever you come from, everyone is equal to eachother. Result = collection+ photo series

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