Nucycles designs, produces and sells beautiful textile recycled products for daily use.

Long description

Using recycled natural fibers, Nucycles designs and produce zero waste textile products for everyday use. We incorporate our zero-waste philosophy to the entire textile value chain: from product design passing through purchase of recycled raw materials, yarn production, weaving, and finally to the sale of these products to the consumer market. We use natural fibers for two reasons: firstly, they already have a closed product life cycle and second, we are working on reducing the impact of microplastics on the environment. We´re at Tlaxcala, Mexico, a centenary textile cluster, in which we have achieved cooperation between textile entities through market incentives.

At Nucycles, we understand that the initial design is a fundamental part of being able to recycle in the future (even with the most advanced chemical techniques). That way we follow 2 basic principles to increase this probability: reducing the materials mixed in the composition and using few colors.

Designing and producing our products, we work constantly to optimize the use of resources and best processes (for example, we do not dye). We also use one of the advantages of our technique, the exclusive production of thicker threads, to extend the life cycle of our product. In addition, Nucycles brings our consumers closer to textile recycling through excellent design in basic products, making them aware of the processes, principles, and restrictions that we face.

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