Mitigating climate change through a web-based organic waste management platform.

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The National Waste Management strategy (2015) indicates that 30 to 40% of waste generated in Nairobi is not collected due to inefficient waste collection and disposal systems. Most of the waste that is collected, is dumped in open sites, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions, environmental pollution and adverse effects to human and animal health. According to scientists from the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), organic waste accounts for 2,000 of the 3,200 tonnes of waste produced in Nairobi every day. This project seeks to develop a web-based platform that connects organizations that utilize organic waste with generators of non-residential organic waste. The overall goal of the project is to address the contribution of organic waste dumped in landfills, to climate change. Organic waste can be utilized for the production of organic fertilizer, biogas and livestock feed. This means that a steady and reliable supply of the waste is paramount. The major source of organic waste in Nairobi is non-residential organic waste that is generated by the hospitality industry, education institutions and city markets selling perishable farm produce. This platform will map and match the supply of organic waste to demand, using geolocation. Licensed waste transporters who are comprised of public and private organizations will be part of the project, with a role of transporting organic waste from the generators to organizations that require it. The project’s success will not be achieved without support from the of Nairobi City Council, The National Environmental Management Authority and relevant Non-Governmental Organizations and development.

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