Futurs Leaders Engagés
This program aims to educate a new generation to waste management throuth environmental class enhanced by audiovisual animations, game and drawing.
This program aims to educate a new generation to waste management throuth environmental class enhanced by audiovisual animations, game and drawing.
Making leather products from recycled waste.
Our product (technically advanced waste bin/biodigester) enables families to be self-reliance by turning the available home waste into clean energy.
This project is a new style of tourism designed which seeks to form a community based on knowledge and helpful.
A replicable, scalable waste education project that changes waste behaviours within schools, reduces waste and saves money.
Mobile app that shows the consumer the points of separate waste collection in relation to the geolocation on the map.
Introducing a unique bottle designed upon the circular economy model to fight global plastic waste.
Brainely is a wireless charging system where the source of energy are human emotions.
Making walls healthy for planet and people.
Our service turns trash into usable gas.
Jacket made of recyclable materials for the protection of motorcyclists.
Stop buying packaging instead of food. G-Bag, a bag to change the world.