A system of local patios aiming to integrate circularity as a route for local products to be produced, used and re-used while preserving traditions.
Long description
The patios isleños are an essential part of raizal culture in Providencia and have great potential in providing economic, alimentary and cultural independence for Providencia Island. We propose a system of patios that will integrate tradition into a circular-based economy.
- Private Farming patios: integrating ancestral and technical knowledge for more efficient farming and coherence with the island’s native species and preserving traditional knowledge. Acting as a sanctuary for the island’s diversity and based on small-scale farming and reusing organic waste.
- Market place patios: A public patio for the farmer’s market and open for other cultural events and gatherings. All local products: produce from the farming patios, local catch, and other island-made products and managing fair rates and healthy competition.
- Patio restaurants: Using local produce, the matronas open up their patios for the community and tourists offering their own traditional island food, using seasonal products and reusable or compostable supplies.
One patio can take on being different kinds of patios, like patio restaurants having their own farming space, or farming patios selling their produce on the market’s off space. The idea is to standardize the functioning of each of these patios so that they can be managed and integrated into the community and economy. The system will be managed by the islanders in a Patio association with representatives from each patio setting regulations and working together.
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