Automatically trapping plastic and other waste from rivers using a plastic capture device installed across rivers.

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With the plastic pollution menace ravaging major cities across the world, waste management has still not been handled amicably.  As a result, most of the waste finds itself in the waterways and into the marine system. Chemolex is a renewable energy and waste management company currently cleaning and managing waste collection in the low-income areas around Nairobi, in Kenya. We do this in three different phases. First, we identify youth and women groups registered and operating in the riparian areas and then offer a one-week training on pollution, waste management, and how to operate the devices. We then install a waste capture device in that part of the river which automatically traps, conveys, and removes all the trapped waste onto the river bank. At this point, the youth groups come in, with protective gear, they sort the collected waste into different categories.  We then offer transportation of the collected waste to our collection facility where we focus on the 3Rs i.e Reuse, Recycle, and Reduce.  We recycle plastics into different forms like plastic poles, paving blocks, and construction tiles. The waste we collect helps us to collect crucial data that we share with policymakers to help with making waste management policies in Nairobi.

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