Nibbler is a household waste recycling appliance that allows you to 3D print tomorrow's objects out of today's trash.
Long description
Nibbler joins reduce, reuse, and recycle in a single machine, allowing households worldwide to make tomorrow’s objects out of today’s trash. Instead of throwing glass bottles, milk jugs, and plastic wrap into trash cans and forgetting about their environmental impact, users can put them into Nibbler. Our machine grinds the waste, mixes the resulting fragments with a resin, and allows the user to 3D print the mixture into any object. Give Nibbler your trash, and it gives you a useful object. From fabricating a brick to a flower pot, Nibbler adds value to households, empowering citizens globally to lead the change in their relationship with trash.
The current recycling system—perhaps the most trusted solution to solid waste management—is broken. According to a study in Science Advances, up to 2018, only 9% of all plastic waste ever produced was in fact recycled. 25% of the recyclable materials we throw away are contaminated and actually end up stacked in landfills and incinerators or dumped in the ocean. The current recycling system is ineffective and it is time for a truly innovative solution.
With Nibbler, much of our waste will be completely repurposed without ever leaving the home. Our machine empowers consumers to stop poisoning our planet with their trash and promotes the independence and self-sufficiency of every household and business. Nibbler allows humanity to finally take a substantial step in returning to a circular, rather than linear, system of consumption.
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