from trash to fashion

We are a community-based fashion brand that turns broken umbrellas collected by the people into fashion pieces to reduce waste.

Long description

R-Coat is a community-based fashion brand that transforms broken umbrellas into fashion garments. Our goal is to reduce waste and GHG emissions, while contributing to a more circular and sustainable fashion industry together with the community. The broken umbrellas are saved  from the streets and trash by the people (#umbrellaheroes) and dropped off in one of our 30+ collection points around Portugal. In the last two years, without any public campaign, we already saved approx. 1000 umbrellas from ending up in landfills or incinerated. These umbrellas, along with deadstock fabric rescued in textile factories, are turned into fashionable coats and accessories by our local team of seamstresses. We don’t believe in mass production, and value the high-quality and story behind a handcrafted item.

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