Collaborative e-learning community for personal process design through Ecological Literacy.

Long description

  • We can be all designers: We do believe we are all stuck in design traps, but above all, we’re experiencing a crisis of perception about our identity as living beings. Sustainability became a normative statement with almost no space for reflections, inaccessible to most people and with ready-made solutions that do not fit into the daily lives of most. Those who are brave to try small new habits, in the long run end up giving up when there is a lack of support from those closest to them.We really need to learn to redesign our personal choices, but first of all, reshape our relationships with ourselves, with others and with the Earth as living entity (Gaia).
  • THINK GLOBAL through System Thinking, ACT LOCAL through Deep Ecology: In aim for structural changes by personal choices, we’ve created an interactive virtual journey to share academic and ancient knowledge, art and multicultural dialogues in a accessible language, inspiring a shift of mindset to a regenerative posture and caring culture in the collective dimension.During our first year of the project, we have generated support communities where each participant is invited to rethink their personal choices through the Ecological Design Thinking Process, and to develop collaborative practices with a group that see themselves as a living system, capable of speaking the language of the Nature.Aftermovie

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