REDUSE will revolutionize the sachet economy through an innovative refillable dispenser and green business model designed by the community.

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Ocean pollution due to plastic wastes is a major problem in recent history. Globally, there is an estimated eight million metric ton of wastes dumped in ocean yearly affecting at least 267 marine species.

Among these plastic pollutants are the sachets used for different products and utilities like bathing, cooking, etc. The use of sachets or the “sachet economy” is prevalent in developing Asia due to lower purchasing capability of the populace. In particular, the Philippines is well-known to cater to the sachet economy through a variety of different products. A report by Reuters in 2019 has found that Filipinos use more than 163 million plastic sachet every day which, in turn, contributes greatly to the earlier statistic on ocean wastes.

In order to address this, REDUSE (Re-design the Use of Sachet for the Environment) program will revolutionize the sachet economy through designing refillable dispensers, and green business models for local stores in Batangas City. These will be created through an idea competition which will be open to interested civil society and youth groups. The winning design will then be piloted on selected local coastal communities in Batangas City through partnerships with local government units and other local organizations.

The program will be supported by a robust communications and visibility campaign to promote the new design and business model, and to create an avenue for behavioral change at the community level.

Through this, we can lessen, if not eliminate, solid waste pollution due to sachet use and production.

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