This installation creates a self-reflection on oneself but also on the action of consuming and wasting at the moment of eating.

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You are not alone! There are 7 billion of us on earth, and we are all eating at the same table.

Nowadays, disproportion and inequalities are bigger and bigger, and not all of us have the same opportunity to get the same amount of food on our plate. Some of them are starving in front of others, who are over-indulging. Unfortunately, when food is wasted because of overpopulation, the consequences are disastrous. Because we live in an ecosystem, many resources are involved such as electricity, CO2 and water. It is time to show empathy towards our increasingly precious resources.

Actually, there is a huge amount of food waste in all-you-can-eat buffets. Indeed, so many offenses are committed by children and even adults, because of the huge range of food included in the price. They want to get the most out of their money and are therefore attracted by the possibility of testing everything and playing the role oof super consumer.

Thus, this concept aims to show multiplicity via an infinite reflection mirror. The food waste is multiplied, as is the face showing that in each reflection another person is consuming and wasting with you.

The transparency of the plate reveals the food to show through, allowing the mirror above and below to reflect only the essential. The pictograms reinforce the translation that our food is linked to resources and pollution.

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