RODELA é um dispositivo que ativa e ressignifica vínculos entre vizinhxs do Morro da Conceição no intercâmbio econômico de Bens/Serviços/Saberes.

Long description

The Wheel of Local and Alternative Economy (RODELA) is a strategy that is born in the ECOnceição Project – sustainability in practice by a participatory community – , which seeks to reconnect the territory of Morro-da-Conceição through sustainable activities that permeate the social, cultural, economic, environmental and affective. In this context RODELA is developed, in order to recognize, strengthen and map the goods, services and knowledge contained in the territory through a board game where we connect and extrapolate the relationships: buy/sell, exchange/exchange, share/use, donate/receive and solve together. Each relationship established in the game has the premise of rescuing sustainable costumes already practiced by society, but currently forgotten / stifled by the market system and reducing the needs generated in various spheres by the consumer industry, in addition to instigating new ways of thinking and progress in the economic field individually and collectively. The face-to-face game is a playful yet functional experience for capturing information that will be part of a future platform for mapping the economic predicates of the territory, where each resident will have their profile available in the game with other economic profiles, with the intention of linking interests and awaken new economic horizons. At the moment, we are in the experiment phase of the game, where we meet weekly in public spaces to spin the wheel. The information generated is stored on a map, which will serve as a basis for initializing the platform. Therefore, we strengthen local/circular/family economy, subverting  values ​​imposed by capitalism.


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