Smart collection system to separate waste.

Long description

We will create a platform for an intelligent waste collection system for neighborhoods, people, local trades and SMEs.  In this platform users will be able to schedule the pick up of their waste by type and receive benefits and discounts on public services and taxes. 

To create this system we will do a partnership with local government, cleaning workers and waste specialists like ECOLANA and HAGAMOS COMPOSTA, together we will design the schedule for each neighborhood preventing the waste truck gathering everything together. 



Monday – organic 

Tuesday – single-use plastics

Wednesday – glass, cans, metal

Thursday –  cardboard and paper

Friday- e-waste


Garbage schedule:

Monday – single-use plastics 

Tuesday – organic

Wednesday – cardboard and paper 

Thursday –  glass, cans, metal

Friday- e-waste


Each recollection will add points for the same user that will be exchanged in discounts or benefits in different services.

Neighbors: benefits and discounts on public services such as electricity, water or gas and in the CDMX transport system such as Metro, Metrobús, Trenligero, Cablebús, Ecobici.

Local Trades and SMEs: Discount on payment of taxes, and public services such as electricity and water.

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