Energy service and internet connectivity via prepaid in a single product, with remote monitoring for waste management.

Long description

The ADARA Intelligent System provides two basic services, energy and Internet connectivity via Wifi, with a prepaid watt-gigabyte business model. The system has three components: 1. ADARA. Solar controller, manages and controls battery charging through solar modules and internet connectivity via Wi-Fi for up to 10 users. 2. Power bank. Provides basic energy for a home, lighting, and use of basic appliances. This component is scalable and is made available to the user. 3. Antenna. Data transmission within a maximum distance of 30 km from the last base radio. The innovation of this product lies in the controller, given the growing demand for the use of photovoltaic energy in Mexico, a recycling program has not been carried out that will be possible with remote monitoring.

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