Changing The Green Dot symbol for the better of our recycling system through collaboration.
Long description
The wasting of waste is one of our system’s biggest problems. Post-consumer waste is an endless mine of materials, not only using less oil, but less energy and resource.
However we are wasting this waste through needless contamination from consumers around the globe, not only through food contamination but the wrong materials making their way through the system and into the materials, reducing their quality and value.
These rouge materials end up causing impurities in the post consumer materials, reducing the value of the materials and the system itself
This isn’t only the consumers fault, but the communications on our packaging and the multitude of symbols, all trying to have their say, but many not doing it in the right way. Including The Green Dot, using the same graphic motif as the recycling symbol with a different meaning – it’s been causing confusion for over 30 years and we believe that has to change.
We believe arrows in a cycle should only be for the recycle symbol – this project looks to use the power of collaboration and collectivism – connecting with designers and creatives around the world to create solutions on mass to protest and coerce PRO-Europe into changing The Green Dot for a new era and integrate into the system, moving us one step closer to circularity and reducing our impact on the planet.
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