Multiplataform content to inspire people to lead a more sustainable life and to help them changing habits of consumption and waste.

Long description

We are three sisters who demonstrate, through an unassuming and fun approach, that it is possible and urgent for us to engage in a sustainable life making small changes. We call these changes “microrevolutions“.

What drives us is our own quest for a more balanced life, less trash and more compost, less chemicals and more organically produced products.

Although we live in one of the biggest urban centers in the world and have learned to consume and discard, each of the sisters have had, in her own time, an awekening to environmental consciousness. We researched and began putting into practiced possible alternatives for a sustainable lifestyle and started to share them with others. Our followers have grown steadily ever since and we are proud to have helped others find a small part of their way to a more balanced life.

Nowadays among other attitudes we make our own cleaning products, we use bamboo made toothbrush, natural loofah, ecobag, we compost our residues and we are always learning and exchanging teachings with our community. 

We have over 210K followers on Tiktok, 15K on instagram, over 500 on youtube and we have our regular website readers and podcast listeners. 

Our focus is on sustainable growth: expanding our community, strengthening our organization, securing funds and increasing impact.

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