A bartering network with credits to allow big and small items to be traded.

Long description

You know how when you’re moving houses, and you have furniture you can’t take with you? Or that old phone you no longer use because you upgraded to a newer model? How about that designer dress that no longer fits?

In 2020 Gumtree reported that the average Australian household was sitting around with $5800 worth of goods we no longer need. And at the same time, the average Australian household spends $1,425 a week per week on goods and services.

What if we could trade the things we don’t want for things we do want?

And at the same time declutter?

The Trading Network connects a community of people to get the most out of their trades.

Here’s an example:

Aysha has a watch. She wants a lawn mower.

Jess has a lawnmower. She wants a washing machine.

Scott has a washing machine. He wants a watch.

They don’t all directly have something each other wants, but they do indirectly.  So we facilitate a trade for them all. They all exchange credits to make trades with others.

We make trading more efficient. In doing so, we discourage buying new, sending things to landfill while encouraging reuse.

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