Tochiterra seeks to become the first medioambiental education experience for inhabitants of Villahermosa.
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“Tochiterra” seeks to become the very first medioambiental education experience for inhabitants of Villahermosa, Tabasco, México. This city located in the southeast of the mexican country lacks sustainable projects and the information within this topic is overdue for at least 5 years.
Through a specific period of time comprehend between sowing and harvesting the participants will have access to relevant and actual knowledge related to the medioambiental education, such as, climate change, food production, consumption, etc. Moreover, it is expected that they acquire the abilities to grow their own vegetables and replicate the experience within their communities.
We believe that urban vegetable patchs are the resources needed to sensitize the population about the importance of taking care of life, food production and all kind of medioambiental themes. That’s why “tochiterra” need all our support in order to become a reality and expand to other communities.
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