A video encyclopedia on waste history, production, process, impact, proper management and breakdown of waste, that will teach and empower 5,000,000.

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The project will create and publish a collection of seven short, highly interesting, fact-filled videos with a touch of humor that will teach the history, production process, impact on our health and the environment, proper management and breakdown of various types of waste and highly wasteful commonly used products, ranging from fast fashion, to e-waste, food waste, and plastic products. The videos will offer practical and easy to do tips and recommendations to empower 5,000,000 viewers to modify their consumption habits and guide them along the waste-free lifestyle journey, and have 70,000 people take our online pledge committing to behavioral changes to reduce their waste, just in the first year. The videos will be posted on YouTube and our website every seven weeks, and two to three posts per week on Facebook and Instagram will help promote the videos and reinforce the teachings of the videos, and continually remind the audience of the different alternatives and ways to generate less waste. Seven topic specific waste-free lifestyle digital how-to guides will be created and emailed to everyone that has signed the pledge, thus helping them with easy to follow tricks, hacks and tips, to facilitate their behavior and lifestyle change. Because there are very little science-based, high-quality multimedia educational resources in Mexico and Latin America, it is essential to provide these types of resources and this project provides that: critically needed educational resources that target Spanish speakers in the Americas. 

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