大量に破棄される洋服を建築資材に回す二つ の提案。1、 Woolならば、ニードルパンチ により、縫い付けて一体化させ、形を残しつ つ、思い出のセーターなどを模様としカーテ ンとする。2、 セメントに木片を混合し板状 に圧縮形成した材料に、ボタンなどもついた まま、洋服が壁に混ざったものを建築材料と
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I founded a fashion brand called Eatable of Many Orders. Now, I started involving architectural design and a certain perspective was born. Is it possible to turn a large amount of discarded clothes into building materials? For example, curtains and rugs. Or for walls and wallpaper. I make two suggestions. 1, Curtain If it is Wool’s, it can be sewn and integrated by a technique called needle punching. You can leave a memorable sweater, scarf, and hat as a pattern in the room while keeping the shape of the clothes. As for the work, put a wool cloth without buttons on the wool fabric , put it in the machine, and fix it with a needle. It’s a little troublesome, but you can make something special one by one. 2, WALL To put clothes on a wooden cement board This is a building material made by mixing wood chips with cement and compressing it into a plate shape. there is a possibility that accessories such as buttons and zippers can be left attached. and clothes mixed with walls can be distributed as building materials without hassle. What about a system that collects unnecessary clothes for that purpose? Personal clothes that are no longer needed, clothes that are discarded in stores that are not yet worn by anyone, Isn’t it possible to create a system that provides a service window, not just clothes? Converting fast-cycle clothes to longer-time architecture may change
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