Creating consciousness and knowledge from what we see and do.
Long description
In Mexico City, everyday is produced 18 tons of garbage. The mexican culture believes that garbage disappears when its thrown away, causing unconsciousness about the overconsumption and the produced waste, ignoring and hiding the problem as consequence of this mexican lifestyle.
Nowadays the infrastructure of the city solves the collection of waste with help of garbage workers. There are 24k people dedicated to the collection, which 41.6% are volunteers: This means they don´t have an established salary, so they live from recycling.
The proposal is based on the actual garbage collection cart which helps the workers daily in their job. Redesigning the containers with full transparency, the objective is to create a new experience, denoting the actual problem through the sight. We divide the waste in 3 principal containers to make an intuitive separation, and also we add 9 modular containers, with the objective of helping collectors to create their own separation system.
This project will not replace the actual system, but the purpose is to change the waste culture and be aware of the problem through a visceral feeling, moreover helping the collectors to optimize their work.
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