Wholefood, organic country catering to rise the health levels in local schools, care homes and of the land.

Long description

Four years ago, people in our tiny village in Saxony, Germany, joined together to cross the plans of the district council to destroy 250 acres of wood-, green- and farmlands around our village for a new industrial area. It seems that for now, David hit Goliath and the big investor in question moved to another area less rebellious than ours. In order to win the game for good, we have decided to develop the area in question from within the coummunity: socially, ecologically and economically – meeting the needs of the community as well as regenerating the endangered piece of land so that it may flourish ecologically in a way unknown to the people living in the area. As a first tiny step we intend to (re-)establish a “country kitchen” offering the first organic food delivery in all the area. Our main addressee are the most vulnerable groups. Therefore, we intend to provide especially schools and elderly people’s homes with a seasonal, home-made, delicious, largely plant-based, wholefood cuisine while, alongside, step by step building up our local organic produce capabilities. Amazingly it has become especially difficult for people living in the rural communities of the so-called “developed” countries to access healthy, natural and nutrious foods. While the combination between kitchen and local, seasonal, organic produce will reduce packaging and transport significantly, we also intend to employ a zero-waste strategy concerning wrappings, delivery boxes, dishes, kitchen consumables and waste – for our love of the land.

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