Depilated school structure

Making learning affordable for everyone and beautifying homes through a creative and innovative means of using plastic waste.

Long description

Waste 4 Education is a project which seeks to provide and promote good and quality education for all categories of people by constructing  affordable, eco-friendly, comfortable classrooms , renovate depilated school structures and other learning institutions with the use of plastic bottles, sand, cement, and other building materials mostly to address the issue of drop out school going children , excess waste rubber bottles and plastics which are now a threats to animals and humans lives. The rapid generation of plastic waste is a major issue in our society. According to National Geographic, the amount of plastic waste that flows into the oceans and land every year is expected to triple by 2040 to 29 million metric tons which is a disaster. It is our goal to turn this problem into a useful solution by transforming the waste generated into beautiful affordable useful buildings like classroom structures, boreholes, and toilets. We believe this initiative will not only create a safer society for humans and animals to breathe but it will also create a massive job opportunity for community people especially the youth as they will be employed to collect waste plastic bottles from the seashore, land, and communities. We are well aware of the sickness and climate change this excess of plastic waste and other unwanted materials have caused. This project envisions to see a society free of waste materials and climate calamity.

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